Birake Cryptocurrency Exchange Platform
White Label Cryptocurrency Exchange Trading Platform Features
Add your coin to Birake exchanges listing

Main benefits:
- The coin will be listed on multiple exchanges with the same initial price.
- Announcement on the community of each exchange within the network.
- Clear exposure in all markets where Birake provides its services.
- Trading volume will be multiplied, because it will be listed to more than one exchange at once.
- Because Birake is an exchange network which uses a central database, your coin can be visible to a big amount of investors and traders.
- Birake network will cumulate volumes from all its exchanges, which results a much higher volume than trading on one single exchange.
- Only one time KYC for all the exchanges in the network.
Frequently asked questions
What is Birake Exchange Network?
Birake’s mission is to offer exchange owners and users of the Birake network the largest database of orders/users while achieving high trade volumes.
Birake shall inter-connect exchanges from its network and share orders & assets between them. Moreover, it will provide future trading platform owners the flexibility to incorporate their own domain name brand, logo and personalisation of their exchange platforms. The Birake Network is a central database of orders which are openly shared among all exchanges run on the network. Similarly, traders can have access to multiple exchange platforms at once through the Birake exchanges network.
Is the White Label Exchange Platform ready?
Right now we are testing the layer on top of Birake exchange for gathering the statistics for webmasters.
What are the requirements for setting up my exchange?
First, you have to choose the package that suits your business model.
After you fill in the request form, you will receive and email form us with all the necessary steps to conclude our partnership.
Please be aware that all the emails from us are ending in
How does the White Label Exchange Platform work?
After you choose the package you are interested in and we conclude the agreement, you will have access to a demo trading platform which you can customized the way you like. It will be hosted on your domain, with your logo, branding etc.
Do I need any technical knowledge for the set up?
Check out our live, working project instead of the standard demo!
How long does it take to set up the exchange?
It is highly advisable to first have a well-defined front page and provide us with your logo for the trading platform.
If you require further customization after the initial consultation this will delay the Go Live date as the customizations need to be developed and tested.
If you want to receive information about the estimated implementation time for added features we’re happy to provide an estimation.
Which currency pairs are available on the trading exchange platform?
We will start with BTC based coins, BIR and ETH.
What can be traded on the exchange software?
Why are you sharing orderbook, assets and users?
Every new trader that comes through you will see your exchange as an established one, he can trade and interconnect with other exchanges from Birake network.
Even if your exchange has 1 trader on our network he will find a full orderbook and other traders to trade with.